rosehip eco living

a sustainable existence living from the land

smallholding | shop | accommodation

founded by Rose Benoy & George Maxwell, our retail offering tells a story of rural life in Scotland

saturdays 10:00am – 5:00 pm

summer closures: rosehip shop will be closed weekends 3/4th and 17/18 august 2024.

don’t forget you can arrange out of normal hours visiting, if I am around you are welcome, just get in touch!

keep an eye on my social media for ad hoc changes to opening hours (life on a smallholding can be unpredictable!

the shop is a celebration of the diversity of produce and products that can be made on a small scale with a nature-friendly approach to land management.



for gifts & produce … 

preserves : jellies, juices, cordials, salad sauces, relish and more ~ seasonal produce ~ loose herbal teas ~ beeswax products ~ knitwear ~ Harris tweed handbags … and so much more.  

the shop inventory is constantly changing, evolving both with the seasons and Rose’s creative journey; taking inspiration from our cultural history and the natural environment.


Rose and George are smallholders, who have come together from a background of organic farming, permaculture and sustainable land use, to create a small footprint of sustainable living in their corner of Scotland.

Their twelve acre smallholding currently consists of two polytunnels, a vegetable and bush-fruit garden, mixed orchard, hens, ducks, rare breed Soay sheep and two dairy goats.

The new shop is Rose’s space to share what can be achieved by living from the land and taking inspiration from the cultural life of Scotland.


Sustainability, for us, is about the interconnectedness of a healthy ecosystem. We are committed to waste reduction and strong believers in the Reduce, Reuse, Reinvent, Repurpose, Recycle philosophy. This ethos underpins our homelife, our smallholding & businesses; we encourage our customers to return all glassware for reuse and bring their own containers for loose tea.


From creating preserves from the produce we grow, to making exceptional handbags from Harris Tweed, we hope the offering at Rosehip will delight and excite in a thoughtful way.

get in touch